him 代表男仔,咁乜野代表女仔??

2011-02-08 11:56 pm
her 等同 his 既用法,咁仲有邊個字呢?

回答 (8)

2011-02-09 2:24 am

單數 (singular): I 我, you 你, he 他, she 她, it 它

複數 (plural): we 我們, you 你們, they 他們/她們/它們

名詞有分主位 (subject) 和受位 (object)。當然下面還有再細分下去的但這裏不談。

你的問題是關於 Pronoun。Pronoun 有很多種,現針對你的發問解答如下:

Her, his, ... 這都是 Personal Pronouns (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their). For example,

I read your book.
He carries her bag.
She plays with their son.

至於him,是受代名詞 (me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them). For example,

They gave him another chance.
That email was for them, not for you!
She gave us the parcel. (= She gave the parcel to us.)

也有一種叫 Possesive pronoun 的 (mine, *yours, *his, *hers, *its, *ours, *yours, *theirs) (*注意發音時重音是落在第一個音節上), 有時可用來加強語氣。For example,

The email was theirs, not yours!
The parcel is ours!
Give it back to me, it is mine!

2011-02-09 12:30 am
him, her
he, she
himself, herself
themselves, ourselves, itself

2011-02-09 12:26 am
男仔: he,him,himself
女仔: she,her,herself

I hope I can hlep you!

參考: Me p.s希望幫到你★:]
2011-02-09 12:24 am
代表男仔: Him , His , He , Himself ....

代表女仔: Her , She , Herself...
參考: me
2011-02-09 12:20 am

2011-02-09 12:08 am
Girls: She ,hers, her,herself
Boys: He, His, himself , him
2011-02-09 12:05 am
him, her
he, she
himself, herself
themselves, ourselves, itself

Hope you find it useful!:)
2011-02-09 12:01 am
her 等同 him 及 his
she 等同 he

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