中文翻英文 明天要!~

2011-02-08 7:43 am
1.在經濟繁榮的背後,有些人卻猶如生活在另一個世界,被貧窮煎熬著。2.讓我們認識一下什麼是貧窮。3.有人會問:「經濟發達的香港為何會貧窮問題會這麼嚴重?」我認為這個歸咎於幾個原因。4.每年上升的書價加重了父母的負擔。為了減輕負擔, 他們會選擇買二手書。5.經濟重擔剝削了他們得到更佳教育的機會,他們競爭力因此削減。6.由於不同的膚色和文化, 歧視南亞裔人士情況出現7. 二十世紀的七、八十年代乃是香港經濟起飛的時候, 無論是工人、商人或是政府的主要眼光都放在即時的生活上。8. 「低工資、低福利、低保障」乃自然地成為當時香港的經濟模式9. 香港社會是在相當長的一段時期內缺乏了一套完備的「退休金」制度,退休金計劃只是近年推行的事。10.這類型經濟需要高學歷,高技術人士。11.那些善於技術性工作的,…
ps... 唔要用網上翻譯 句子若用inversion更佳!~ 真係好急 唔該幫幫手!~

回答 (2)

2011-02-08 8:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
English Translations1. Under the rapid growth of economy, some people seem to live in another world, they are suffering from poor condition. 2. Let us understand what poverty is.3. Someone may ask “Why poverty will become so serious in HK where is highly-prospered in economy?” I think this can impute a few reasons.4. The increased price of books has intensified the burden of parents every year. In order to reduce the load, they will choose to buy second-hand books.5. The huge pressure on financial has exploited the opportunities of children to receive better educations, therefore their competitiveness will deteriorate. 6. Due to different races and cultures, signs of discrimination to the southern immigrants have occurred. 7. Hong Kong economy has started to develop since 70s and 80s. Most of the attention of the labor for example worker, businessman or government at that time was concentrated on immediate living issues.8. Low wages, low welfare and low protection were the economic mode naturally in Hong Kong during that period.9. For a quite long period, there is lacking a comprehensive retirement-subsidizing system in Hong Kong, the retirement welfare system has just launched recently.10. High qualification and skillful labor are necessary for this kind of economic situation.11. Those who are adept at technological work…… PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THE QUESTION.
參考: My own English language skills
2011-02-08 11:55 pm



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