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English Translations1. Under the rapid growth of economy, some people seem to live in another world, they are suffering from poor condition. 2. Let us understand what poverty is.3. Someone may ask “Why poverty will become so serious in HK where is highly-prospered in economy?” I think this can impute a few reasons.4. The increased price of books has intensified the burden of parents every year. In order to reduce the load, they will choose to buy second-hand books.5. The huge pressure on financial has exploited the opportunities of children to receive better educations, therefore their competitiveness will deteriorate. 6. Due to different races and cultures, signs of discrimination to the southern immigrants have occurred. 7. Hong Kong economy has started to develop since 70s and 80s. Most of the attention of the labor for example worker, businessman or government at that time was concentrated on immediate living issues.8. Low wages, low welfare and low protection were the economic mode naturally in Hong Kong during that period.9. For a quite long period, there is lacking a comprehensive retirement-subsidizing system in Hong Kong, the retirement welfare system has just launched recently.10. High qualification and skillful labor are necessary for this kind of economic situation.11. Those who are adept at technological work…… PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THE QUESTION.