english 文法/時態問題

2011-02-08 5:00 am


i had called him
i just called him
i just call him
i called him
i had been called him
i was call him
i was called him

回答 (3)

2011-02-08 6:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
i had called him - 記述「我打了電話給他」這事件 = 我曾經打了電話給他。

i just called him - 可指我剛才(或今早)打了電話給他。這是口語常用的,但寫作則應該寫成:I have just called him.用present perfect tense會合文法。

i just call him - just一般是已經發生了的狀況,所以不會寫/講為present tense的

i called him - 過去式 = 記述「我打電話給他」這行動。
[留意跟同是past tense,I had called him(past perfect tense)的意思是不同的。]

i had been called him - 錯verb,正確句子是:I had been calling him. past perfect tense記述「我不停地打電話給他」這行動=我曾經不停地打電話給他。

i was call him - 錯verb。正確的verb是:I was calling him. past continuous tense表示「在過去(以前)我不停地打電話給他」。

i was called him - 錯句。was called是被動句式,我不可以被動打電話的。沒有這寫法的。
2011-02-08 6:30 am

2011-02-07 23:03:49 補充:
i had called him 同 i called him. 有咩分別?兩者都係有called,咁+左ed就係過去左,咁有had同冇,會有咩分別?

I had been calling him. past perfect tense記述「我不停地打電話給他」這行動=我曾經不停地打電話給他。

had been=曾經calling=不停地?
咁同 I was calling him. past continuous tense表示「在過去(以前)我不停地打電話給他,有咩分別?

had been calling同was calling意思又係咪一樣呢?

thz u all
2011-02-08 6:17 am
2. I just called himThis is also a grammatically inappropriate sentence. For any sentence which contains the word “just” must use either present perfect tense or past perfect tense. Present perfect tense is used for incidents/issues/actions at an unstated time; for issues which have finished recently and apparently were evidences or actions continue up from the past to now. 3. I just call himThis is a grammatically wrong clause. If there is a word “just” in the sentence, we must use present perfect or past perfect tense. However, if we want to keep “call” as present tense form, we should eliminate “just”. 4. I called himThis sentence is correct because it represents an action or issue which was distinguished as history (past) with clear stated time. That means it won’t happen or continue again, hence, we use past tense. 5. I had been called him
This is a sentence which combines past perfect tense and passive voice tense. However, it is incorrect in terms of logically wrong because it either not belongs to passive or active voice. We will use past perfect with passive voice to express or make polite or formal statements. 6. I was call him (Inconsistency of tense)This is a grammatically wrong sentence. For general condition in a sentence, the verb should be only in one form. Refer back to this case, either should be simple present or simple past. However, the verb “was” is in simple past form, in contrast, “call” is in simple present form. This is inconsistent. 7. I was called ^ him (Missing word)Originally, this is sentence is correct in tense form as it is describing a past action in passive voice. However, when it was a passive voice situation, there should be a word “by” before him. This is because the subject is depended by the object, therefore the word “by” is required.

2011-02-07 22:57:47 補充:
See 意見 for 1st one.

2011-02-07 22:58:14 補充:
1. I had called him
This is a grammatically correct sentence. “Had called” is a past perfect tense. For a past action which occurred before another past action or before a stated past, we use past perfect tense.

2011-02-07 23:51:48 補充:
For most of the case, if there is a "been" after verb to have, for example:
This kitten had been kept at home by 9 o'clock, it is a pssive voice sentence.

However, for "ing" form exist in a sentence, especially continous tense, it is generally an active voice sentence.

2011-02-07 23:51:54 補充:
Therefore, had been calling and was calling are different in meaning:

1. It had been called since Mary returned to home. (Passive)
2. It was calling when Mary was playing computer games. (Active)
參考: My own English language skills

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