大學申請入學的Applicant statement

2011-02-08 2:18 am
The content of your statement should explain why you wish to study the programme and how the qualification is relevant to your career aspirations, as well as your expectation of the programme. If applicable, provide other information (e.g. work experience, non-academic achievements, community services) that you think is relevant to the assessment of your application.

1.它所說的qualification是指 我現在已有的學歷的qualification,還是我想入讀的課程將來所得到的qualification?2.如果我用中文填寫,辭藻文筆須要講究嗎?我入讀的課程是BA(Hons) in Chinese

回答 (1)

2011-02-09 9:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 佢應該係指 讀完呢個course之後得到既qualification對你將來想做既工作有咩關係

2) 如果你報既係中文..用中文應該無問題
但用詞好d既話 如果多人報 會比較大機會入讀到

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