Grammar - Adjective patterns 2

2011-02-08 1:21 am
It is / Subject + be + adjective + to-infinitive

Joanne is writing a blog entry about doing exercise. Help her to complete the entry using adjective patterns and the words in brackets. Use capital letters where necessary.

(1)________________ (do / essential / everyone) some exercise every day. You don't need to spend a lot of time exercising. (2)__________________ (enough / just thirty minutes a day / keep / long) you fit. There are lots of different exercises that you can do to keep fit - by yourself or with others.
I'm sixteen so (3)___________________ (enough / I / join / old) the fitness centre near my home. I go there twice a week. I enjoy doing aerobics the most. (4)_________________ (aerobics exercise / do / fun) because you can listen to music at the same time. I also love aerobic classes because I find that (5)____________________ (easy / make) friends there. Every in my class is really friendly!
I also like weight training as it help to make my muscles stronger. When I first started, I could only very light weights, bot now, (6)_________________ (enough / I / life / strong) a 7-kg weight with one hand. (7)_________________ (do / suitable / weight training) on your own, but you must be careful or you may hurt yourself. (8)__________________ (beginners / follow / necessary) guidance from an instructor before they train by themselves. If you don't like exercising on your own, try playing a team sport like basketball or volleyball. (9)__________________ (difficult / get in / not) a team - just join the right sports club at you school.

回答 (1)

2011-02-11 4:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) It is essential for everyone to do
(2) Just 30 mins a day is long enough to keep
(3) I am old enough to join
(4) Aerobics exercise is fun to do / It is fun to do aerobics exercise
(5) it is easy to make
(6) I am strong enough to lift (我估你打錯左個lift字, 應該唔係life)
(7) It is suitable to do weight training
(8) It is necessary for beginners to follow
(9) It is not difficult to get in

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