
2011-02-08 12:02 am
除了super fan之外, 有什麼字或俚語能解"發燒友"?

回答 (4)

2011-02-08 5:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
除了super fan之外,有下列:

Connoisseur (内行, 評論家) - expert on wines, fine arts, music (未達到瘋狂地步)
A connoisseur of good food and drink

Fanatic (狂热者) -尤其指宗教,政治瘋狂者
He is a crossword fanatic. (fitness fanatic.)

-aholic (沉迷者)
chocaholic - a person who loves chocolate and eats a lot every day.

Nut (狂热者,迷) – e.g. Hi-Fi nut
I am a Audrey Hepburn nut: I have seen all her films.
John is a tennis nut. He plays tennis every day.

–phile (爱好者)是suffix,有很多.最常見是Audiophile = Hi-Fi 發燒友,

• audiophile: Lover of high-fidelity sound reproduction
• arctophile: Lover of teddy bears; especially, an interest in collecting teddy bears
• bibliophile: Lover of books
• cinephile: Lover of cinema and film
• glossophile: Lover of languages
• horolophile: Lover of timepieces, specifically wristwatches.
• horolophile: One who harbors an intense passion for wristwatches.
• icthyophile: Lover of fish
• logophile: Lover of words, such as crosswords, or Scrabble
• metrophile: Lover of the railway or trains
• neophile: Lover of the latest novelties and trends
• oenophile: Lover of wine
• ornithophile: Lover of birds
• turophile/turophile: Lover of cheese

• Anglophile: a non-English person who is extremely fond of all British things .
• Francophile, a fan of French culture.
• Germanophile, one who loves German language, art, music and people
• Hellenophile, a fan of Greek culture
• Hibernophile: a lover of Ireland or Irish culture.
• Indophile, a fan of India
• Japanophile: a non-Japanese person with a strong interest in Japan or Japanese culture.
• Russophile: lover of Russia and Russian culture.
• Sinophile: a non-Chinese person with a strong interest in China or Chinese culture.

2011-02-12 7:57 am
You can say fanatic,, 係英文書都係咁用嫁
2011-02-08 12:44 am

alcohol + holic =alcoholic

ps xxxx=noun form

i hope i can help you^^
參考: my knoeledge
2011-02-08 12:12 am
A junkie.

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