
2011-02-07 5:54 pm
點解我淨係按拖把上面插蘇個開關制,未按電腦開關制,部機 有時 自己識開



搵唔到Restore AC Power Loss

回答 (3)

2011-02-15 10:04 pm
Need to change BIOS setting in Power OptionsBe very careful to follow the steps below as any mistake will change or even stop your computer from working properlyReason: A line signal off your internet connection turns PC on if Wake up on LAN is enabled in BIOS of your motherboard
Shut down computer then wait 5 minutes and turn it back on.Press the Del key once every second after boot up until a blue screen (BIOS) appears then stop.Use the left/right arrow keys on keyboard to move around the BIOS tabs (pages) and look for Wake up on LAN in Power Options . Sometimes it might be in the Advanced tab. Navigate around those tabs to find it. When found, see if Wake Up On LAN is Enabled. If so, use arrow keys to highlight those words then press either PageUp or PageDown key to Disable it. Now press Esc to quit out of tabs. Press F-10 key then select Save and Exit. BIOS will close and reboot your computer as usual.
Remember: Do this slowly. Always read on screen instructions before making any changes as mistakes can cause serious trouble to your computer. If procedure above fails or BIOS needs no change, unplug your internet/phone line when computer is not in use.
參考: My PC know how
2011-02-10 10:24 pm
會有Restore AC Power Loss, 如果設定為Enabled,當有電源時就會自動開啓電腦.


2011-02-10 14:29:49 補充:
2011-02-07 10:32 pm


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