
2011-02-07 9:12 am

4月份有10間舖開, 我想order 10個櫃, 但因為之前存貨有些已壞或已lost所以現在已經沒有存貨, 故想重新order, 而我們亦會和有關部門相討點樣keep 番好個stock 同control 番個stock.

回答 (5)

2011-02-07 8:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
We will open ten shops in April. Since the cabinets in stock have been damaged or lost, we want to reorder ten cabinets. Moreover, we will connect other related departments to discuss how to improve the inventory management in the future.
2011-02-08 11:54 pm
There will be ten shops open in April.I want to order ten self.However,there are some stocks were broken up or lost before,so we have no stocks now.We want to order the stocks again.We will discuss with the department related about how to keep the stock well and how to control the stock.
參考: me
2011-02-07 8:46 pm


2011-02-07 8:33 pm

4月份有10間舖開, 我想order 10個櫃,
There will be ten shop opened in April so I need to order 10 contatiners of goods.

但因為之前存貨有些已壞或已lost所以現在已經沒有存貨, 故想重新order,
We are currently out of stock because the old ones have gone bad or lost. Please advise your best delivery.( I add it myself)

而我們亦會和有關部門相討點樣keep 番好個stock 同control 番個stock
We will consult with all related departments in order to have better control of our inventory in the futrue.
2011-02-07 1:58 pm
唔係好明你的意思 可以用中文再說一次嗎?

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