Why would my boyfriend have a condom in his car?

2011-02-07 3:25 am
I just took my boyfriends car to the store and had to get a pen to give a friend I ran into my phone number. When I looked in his center console he had a condom. We don't use condoms (have been together for a year and I have an IUD). He's only owned the car for about 6 months, so it's not like he had it before us. I'm pretty sure he's faithful, but it was strange to see.

Why do you think? Should I say anything?

回答 (15)

2011-02-07 4:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
Honesty IS the best policy regarding ALL things! Tell him the truth just as you've;ve told it here ask him WHY it is there when he knows full well you have no use for it. Usually one of the fist things you do when you get a different car is to look for any manuals you may need in the future. I find it hard to believe he is not aware it is there! IF he didn't need it, I sure would have gotten rid of it a long time ago. Say what you mean, mean what you say above all, don't accept the unacceptable. I also feel you'd pretty much know if he's telling you the truth or not, but I SURE would get some kind of an answer from him & a truthful one at that...best to you...:)
2011-02-07 3:30 am
Re-find it while you are in the car with him and ask him what he needs it for? I thought you liked it without? If he gets uncomfortable about it something might be up.
2011-02-07 3:28 am
Ask him why he has a condom in his car.
2011-02-07 3:35 am
I would tell him exactly how everything happened, and ask him W T F HE NEEDS CONDOMS FOR !

You say that you're only 'pretty sure' that he's faithful ... which, frankly, isn't that great. Pretty sure leaves room for uncertainty, which you are totally right to feel right now, seeing as how your 'pretty faithful' guy is hiding condoms in his car.

When you have this conversation with him, the chances of him a) getting defensive and accusing you of snooping, b) telling you to stop being so insecure, and c) making this all your fault ... the chances of those 3 things happening are pretty high, because no one likes to be busted. If he does a n y of those 3 things, it means that he's cheating, and that you have a decision to make. Even if he admits to it, you STILL have a decision to make, and he needs to go get checked (as do you). It's awfully sweet of him to at least use protection ... but you both need to get checked.

To answer your question, your boyfriend has condoms in his car because he thinks he needs them. YES you should say something, and I think he's been boinking someone else.
2011-02-07 3:28 am
Yes, you should say something. This is suspicious enough that you should get an explanation. Of all the places he could have put a condom he chose the one place you were unlikely to ever really look.
2011-02-07 9:02 am
Wait til both u are in the car "find the condom" and ask him study his reaction or just tell him you found it and ask him why he needs it
參考: good luck to you hope its nothing bad
2011-02-07 3:36 am
simple question
tell him what you found and and why does he have it?
if he turns the conversation around right away on you, he's guilty.
or if he waits a while before answering, he's making it up.
if he gives you a story on how it got there.
have him say it in reverse order.
most people have there excuses memorize forward but rarely backwards when lying.
if they re telling the truth they can visualize it with no problem
2011-02-07 3:34 am
It doesn't necessarily mean he is cheating. He could simply be visiting strip clubs.
Men often "lose control" during a lap dance, which of course makes a mess in the pants. A condom helps prevent said mess.
2011-02-07 4:39 pm
參考: He could be using them to jerk-off. Its a lot less messy, my wife didn't believe me though when I told her this after she found one in my pocket.
2011-02-07 5:17 am
You say you are pretty sure he is faithful but I see why that would seem very odd.

However, it seems to me that if it belonged to him and he was cheating, his center console would be about the last place he would hide it. How often does he use the console? I use mine daily and mine locks. Is his the locking type? If so, was it unlocked? The other thought is that perhaps he used it for self pleasure but it id a bit odd it would have been in his car if that were the case.

But, I'd definitely ask him about it if the two of you are in a serious relationship. But, if he is cheating, you aren't going to get an honest answer.He may say a male friend dropped it out of his pocket, etc.

I am not one to play games BUT, in this case I might wait until you are both in his car the next time and tell him you need a pen and open the console. His reaction to that might tell you a lot. Or, you could always see if it is in there tomorrow or the day after. It's going to bug you until you clear it up and talk to him about it, or it would me, so I'd do what I had to do to get my answer.
2011-02-07 4:55 am
To me it indicates that he wants to be "ready" if any opportunity arises. Ask him why he has a condom in his car.
2011-02-07 4:30 am
He is a mule and carries drugs across the border?
2011-02-07 3:42 am
It's more than strange. It's his and means he's either cheating or trying to. It's not like he can cop out by saying "I'm holding it for a friend."

Now I would have taken it. After that, I would have gone to a store and purchased a card that has one of those flaps on the inside that you pull back and it reveals something. I would write on the inside of the card in bold black letters "we're THROUGH" with an arrow pointing towards the flap. The condom would be taped down behind the flap, and a little piece of tape would hold it closed. A white square would be taped to the front of the condom saying "Lose something?" so that when he opened the flap, there it would be.

I wouldn't take his calls or answer his texts again.
2011-02-07 3:32 am
Men cheat. Women cheat. It's in our DNA.
2011-02-07 3:39 am
Don't worry. The condom is there ready for you in case you want to try out the gear stick or handbrake lever.

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