火星資料 - 翻釋英文 . 唔該

2011-02-06 11:18 pm
火星 - 太陽系八大行星的第四顆行星,介於地球與小行星群之間.火星外表呈現火紅色,火星的直徑相當於地球的半徑。體積只有地球的15%。質量只有地球的11%。 地表溫度白天有28攝氏度,夜晚低至 零下132攝氏度 。火星擁有稀薄的大氣 ,約有95%是二氧化碳、3%是氮氣,火星表面的平均氣溫很低,即使赤道一帶也才攝氏零下50度,極少的時間火星溫度會在0度以上.

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2011-02-07 12:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Mars - Fourth planet solar system eight planets, asteroids between the Earth and between groups.

Mars looks red fire show, the diameter of Mars is equivalent to the Earth's radius. Volume is only 15% of the Earth. Only 11% of the quality of the earth. Surface temperature during the day and 28 degrees Celsius at night as low as minus 132 degrees Celsius.

Mars has a thin atmosphere, about 95% carbon dioxide 3% nitrogen, the average temperature of the surface of Mars is very low, even if only the equatorial area was minus 50 degrees Celsius, the temperature of Mars will be very little time at 0 degrees.

收錄日期: 2021-04-17 00:11:10
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