急!Pollutions! 趕住要做功課!Help

2011-02-06 8:15 pm
我想要幾個pollutions既資料。我要既pollution係:air pollution , water pollution , land pollution , noise pollution


-sources of pollutants
-harmful effects of pollution
-pollution and the world's future
-ways to reduce pollution

續個用point form列俾我呀,唔該

send to 我 yahoo mail
[email protected]

回答 (2)

2011-02-09 5:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
detailed info sent to your email, pls check.
add this facebook: www.facebook.com/etude.classroom

I can tell you more there.

2011-02-06 11:54 pm
1. source of pollutants: Air pollution is mainly from power plants and vehicles

2. harmful effects of pollution: these cause health problems such as respirtory illness

3. pollution and the world's future: Air pollution will be more worse and
Worsening greenhouse effect

4. ways to reduce pollution
: everyone know la
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 12:13:28
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