升學問題(hotel management)

2011-02-06 3:07 pm
我想讀major係hotel man. 我想問依家有咩U係比較好架呢???
其實我依家係US讀緊CC 但係自己英文唔好仲讀緊英文課程
但我間CC係冇直接一個係叫hotel management 既subject讀
咁我應該要簡D咩科去讀呢? 同埋其實咁樣由CC轉讀上去U 係咪冇咁好?
因為我要係今年6月先完全完成英文課程 所以諗緊之後應唔應去第2到讀
所以唔該可唔可以俾D suggestion我 thx

回答 (3)

2011-02-10 3:05 pm
I don't think I should talk about your hotel management study because they have already given you good suggestions. However, there are 2 topics which I would like to address i.e.

1) Spoken and written English
To enhance one's English proficiency, please mingle with the Western community as much as one can besides learning English at school. LISTEN, SEE, THINK, and SPEAK should be in English at all times.

2) University - subject to be taken
The world is changing faster than one can imagine. As of today, Subject xxx brings better prospects but the job market might have already been changed completely after 4 years!
If I were you, I would do the following things:
a) To identify my trait;
b) To explore my skills and interest;
c) To follow my heart to choose the subject(s);

Studying is part of everybody's life so please enjoy it. It is a torture if the selected subject does not matching one's trait and interest!
2011-02-06 11:04 pm
其實cc都有酒店管理讀架,給shoreline community colleague既網比你參考﹕


2011-02-06 15:06:57 補充:
2011-02-06 7:14 pm
1.No one particular. But in common sense, pick one in a city that have active tourism activities.

2. You may have to switch to another community college. But at this moment, you should focus on finding your dream school first.

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