
2011-02-06 10:21 am
我個鍵盤有D制咁左之後冇反應,有D咁左之後彈數字,有D咁左之後開左打網址個list出黍,我試過咁number lock個制,但都唔得,點算?(我冇倒寫過野落去~)幫幫我~

回答 (2)

2011-02-06 11:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
試下進入windows ge 安全模式 再係果度打字睇下有冇事

如果都有事 應該係時候買個個鍵盤

2011-02-07 01:11:24 補充:
安全模式: 係開機果時狂按F8
2011-02-08 10:13 pm
First of all, open up your on screen keyboard through Start/All programs/Accessories/Accessibility/On-screen keyboard. Otherwise you have no control over your laptop. Now click the screen keyboard to start working.

A. We'll try to tackle keyboard virus as the first choice, based on the symptoms presented. Download Norton 2009 trial version from the internet and scan your laptop to get rid of the virus, hopefully.

B. If unsuccessful, we have to look at the keyboard's hardware and/or mechanical aspects. Unfortunately, being a laptop, there is not much else you can do at home. Take it either to a respectable computer repair shop and back to your manufacturer for help.

2011-02-08 14:45:26 補充:
If you have an antivirus program installed in your laptop,run it either in normal mode or safe mode. Norton 2009 trial is known to be least demanding on your CPU speed, making it a favourite tool in this case.
參考: My PC know how

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