作文-An Unforgettable Experience

2011-02-06 12:07 am
plz give me a writing about An Unforgettable Experience .
作好 send to me!

[email protected]

200 to 300 words plz! i am 中二 尽量写中二程度 finally plz send to me! Don't just writing here!

回答 (4)

2011-02-06 8:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
An Unforgettable Experience

Three years ago, I experienced an unforgettable time.
I remembered that it was summer holiday. My friend and I attended a basketball course, we wanted to train our skills on playing basketball in order to join the school team. At that time, I was totally fond of basketball and always wish to be one of the players.
However, when I was having a exciting competition between my team and my friend's, I was involved in it. I chased after the ball and tried to get some points for my team. But I did not realize that there was another basketball under my legs, I stepped on it without noticing it. I hurt my legs badly! How painful was I at that moment!
My friends sent me to the hospital. The doctor claimed that one of my bone is broken and needed an operation immediately. I was very afraid but I gained support from my friends. Luckily, the operation was successful. a few weeks later, my leg recovered.
From this unforgettable experience, I learned to be careful and I would not be that careless when I was involved in anything.
2013-06-17 2:51 am
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2011-02-06 4:17 pm


2011-02-06 12:51 am

I got lost when I was five years old.

That day,I went shopping with my parents in department store.There were

so many people.

When we walked around the 'Toys Section',I saw a planty of

different kinds of toys.I stopped there and did not follow my parents.after a

while,I chose one toy and wanted to asked my mum to buy it to

me.Suddenly,I could not find them.I was so frightened.I did not know what to

do.'Mum!Dad!'I shouted loudly.However,I could not find them.I cried and cried

and scrimped and scrimped.Soon,I walked around the department store to find


I thought that I will be alone ever after.'(你的名字).'My mum said

softly.I hugged her and I felt warm inside my heart.

After this terrible experience,I learn that I must follow my parents.I can

not go away before I ask my parents.

參考: me

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