Maths(area and volume)

2011-02-04 7:43 am
In the figure,when a metal sphere is completely submerged in a cylindrical vessel of base diameter 64cm,the water level rises by 2/3cm.Find the radius of the sphere.

re:☂雨後陽光☀ 1.The volume of cylindrical vessel equal to the volume of the sphere? 2.can I say :the water level rises equal to the volume of the sphere?

回答 (1)

2011-02-04 8:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let r be the radius of the sphere.The volume of the cylindrical vessel of base diameter 64cm(so radius = 64/2 cm) of height 2/3cm= The volume of the the sphere :
π(64/2)² (2/3) = (4/3) π r ³32² = 2 r³r³ = 512r = 8 cm

2011-02-04 13:07:11 補充:
1. I mean the volume of the cylindrical vessel of base diameter 64cm of
height = the water level rises equal to the volume of the sphere.

2. The volume of the water rising part equal to the volume of the sphere.

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