
2011-02-03 5:26 pm
一、 意向的变更与解除a) 发生下列情况之一时,可变更或解除意向,但双方必须就此签订书面变更或解除意向。b) 由于不可抗力或由于一方当事人虽无过失但无法防止的外因,致使本意向无法履行。c) 一方当事人丧失实际履约能力。d) 由于一方或二方违约,严重影响了守约方的经济利益,使意向履行成为不必要。e) 因情况发生变化,经过双方协商同意变更或解除意向。 二、 生效的条件和日期

回答 (4)

2011-02-03 8:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First, the intention to change and lift the

a) one of the following occurs, you can change or lift the intention, but both parties must sign a written modification or lifting of this intention.

b) force majeure or fault of one party but can not be prevented even if no external factors, leading to the intention not fulfilled.

c) the actual loss of ability to perform one of the parties.

d) default of one party or two, seriously affecting the economic interests of the innocent party to make the intention to perform unnecessary.

e) due to changed circumstances, after both parties agreed to change or lift the intention.

Second, the conditions and date of entry into force
The intention of outstanding issues and details of bilateral cooperation, signed by both parties of a formal agreement. The intention from the date signed by both parties a period of 3 months. Two copies of each party holds one.
2011-02-05 3:36 am


2011-02-03 7:15 pm
Yes, Thanks & Regards.
2011-02-03 7:10 pm
First, the intention to change and lift the
a) one of the following occurs, you can change or lift the intention, but both parties must sign a written modification or lifting of this intention.
b) force majeure or fault of one party but can not be prevented even if no external factors, leading to the intention not fulfilled.
c) the actual loss of ability to perform one of the parties.
d) default of one party or two, seriously affecting the economic interests of the innocent party to make the intention to perform unnecessary.
e) due to changed circumstances, after both parties agreed to change or lift the intention.
Second, the conditions and date of entry into force
The intention of outstanding issues and details of bilateral cooperation, signed by both parties of a formal agreement. The intention from the date signed by both parties a period of 3 months. Two copies of each party holds one.

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