英文grammar中a an the (20點) 詳細解答

2011-02-03 12:41 pm
1. it always takes me ages to wake up in the morning.
2. on a cold afternoon in january, i was...
3. i usually go to h.k in the summer.
4. i was born in march.

1. it always takes me ages to wake up in morning.
2. on the cold afternoon in january, i was...
3. i usually go to h.k in summer.
4. i was born in the march.

改左後個意思有咩不同,當中的a,同the or 冇冠詞係咩意思,重有可唔可講下a an the點分,點係句子中用?


回答 (4)

2011-02-04 6:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. it always takes me ages to wake up in the morning.
2. on a cold afternoon in January, i was...
3. i usually go to h.k in the summer time ( in summer)..
4. i was born in March

All these sentences are proper English but not the following.

1. it always takes me ages to wake up in morning.= not proper
2. on the cold afternoon in january, i was... =
3. i usually go to h.k in summer. = OK
4. i was born in the march = no article in front of months or proper nouns like Sunday etc.

the = is usually used when we refer to something particular.

She is the girl, whom I met last Sunday.
She will visit us in Summer or in March.
2011-02-05 3:36 am


2011-02-04 4:16 pm
the 通常用係已知嘅詞前面
好似morning 可以用a morning
example, 2. on the cold afternoon....即係會變左做"特定的 "一個寒冷嘅下午
example, 3, in summer 同 in the summer, 一樣通用, 有時英文冇冠詞會比較通順因為在一段文章入面不會有太多重複冠詞,如果太多讀起嚟就好怪
it always takes me ages to wake up in the morning
it always takes me ages to wake up in a morning
i usually go to hk in the summer.
i usually go to hk in a summer time.
i usually go to hk in summer.
i was born in march. 比較看落通順真的要冠詞嗎?

個人意見,睇下就算 =P

2011-02-04 08:21:33 補充:
a, an = 一個
the = 特定
冇冠詞 = 冇特定
2011-02-04 5:56 am
.1. it always takes me ages to wake up in the morning.
2. on a cold afternoon in January, i was...
3. i usually go to h.k in the summer time ( in summer)..
4. i was born in March

All these sentences are proper English but not the following.

1. it always takes me ages to wake up in morning.= not proper
2. on the cold afternoon in january, i was... =
3. i usually go to h.k in summer. = OK
4. i was born in the march = no article in front of months or proper nouns like Sunday etc.

the = is usually used when we refer to something particular.

She is the girl, whom I met last Sunday.
She will visit us in Summer or in March.

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