Food, personnel and staff的文法

2011-02-03 1:10 am
Food, personnel 及staff 都是項目總稱,

1a. Food is/ are needed.
b. The food is/are tasty.

2. The personnel of this company are/is of quality.

3. Our staff is/are excellent.

回答 (3)

2011-02-03 6:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
PERSONNEL is uncountable and plural. It refers to the people who work in a company, organization, or military force. It can also mean the human resources department of a company.

e.g. All personnel are to receive security badges.

STAFF is the people who work for an organization. It is a countable noun. In British English, staff is often used as a plural noun and followed by a plural verb. In American English, staff is not often used in this way, and is never followed by a plural verb.

e.g. All the staff are very helpful.

The plural form “staffs” is less frequent but is used to refer to more than one group of people: the senator and his staff (singular); senators and their staffs (plural).

FOOD is always uncountable. It is nearly countable only when it refers to a particular kind of food. e.g. health foods, processed foods.

The food is tasty.
參考: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
2011-02-05 3:41 am

2011-02-03 1:31 am
It is a question about the singular or plural form of a word.

Food: Singular/Plural = food (is)

Personnel: Singular/Plural = personnel (is)

Staff: Singular/ Plural = staff (is)

2011-02-02 17:32:15 補充:
For " staff", it can be followed by "are" as well.

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