
2011-02-02 8:22 pm
有無人話我知鍶的物理性質....all about鍶的information.............please.....


回答 (5)

2011-02-09 2:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
元素名稱:鍶原子化焓:kJ /mol @25℃:163.2熱容:J /(mol•K):26.4 導電性:10^6/(cm•Ω):0.0762元素在宇宙中的含量:(ppm):0.04導熱係數:W/(m•K):35.4熔化熱(千焦/摩爾):8.30汽化熱(千焦/摩爾):144.0原子體積(立方釐米/摩爾):33.7元素符號:Sr元素類型:金屬元素元素在太陽中的含量(ppm):0.05太平洋表面 7.6地殼中含量:(ppm):370 相對原子品質:87.62原子序數:38質子數:38中子數:50同位素:Sr-84 Sr-86 Sr-87 Sr-88(放射)摩爾品質:88原子半徑:2.45所屬週期:5所屬族數:IIA電子層排布: 2-8-18 -8-2氧化態:Main Sr+2 晶胞為面心立方晶胞,每個晶胞含有4個金屬原子。 晶胞參數:a = 608.49 pm b = 608.49 pm c = 608.49 pm α = 90° β = 90° γ = 90° 莫氏硬度:1.5 電離能 (kJ /mol) M - M+ 549.5 M+ - M2+ 1064.2 M2+ - M3+ 4210 M3+ - M4+ 5500 M4+ - M5+ 6910 M5+ - M6+ 8760 M6+ - M7+ 10200 M7+ - M8+ 11800 M8+ - M9+ 15600 M9+ - M10+ 17100 常見化合價:+2單質:鍶單質化學符號:Sr顏色和狀態: 密度: 2.6熔點: 769沸點: 1384

參考: 有道
2011-02-12 7:29 am
Similar to Ca (鈣)
2011-02-05 11:41 pm
2011-02-03 9:38 pm
2011-02-02 8:50 pm
Such information could, in fact, be easily found on the web:

The physical propoerties of caesium are:

- density: 1930 kg/m^3
- melting point: 28.4'C
- boiling point: 641'C
- electrical resistivity: 205 ohm-metre (at 20'C)
- thermal conductivity: 35.9 w/m.K (at 300 K)
- thermal expansion: 97 x 10^-6 m/m.K (at 25'C)
- Young's modulus: 1.7 GPa
- bulk modulud: 1.6 GPa
- latent heat of fusion: 2.09 kJ/mol
- latent heat of vapourization: 63.9 kJ/mol
- specific heat capacity: 32.2 J/mpl.K (at 25'C)

The stable element of caesium is Cs-133. It has 3 radioactive isotopes: Cs-134, Cs-135 and Cs-137

You could find more information on caesium from the following web-page:


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