how to answer the questions???

2011-02-02 7:17 pm
FIB (Present Perfect Tense) Exercise 15 Exercise Type: N/AGrammar Type: TensesLevel : 5Answer the questions in complete sentences.
For example: Have you been to Japan? (Yes).
The answer would be 'Yes, I have been to Japan.'.
Remember to add a full stop at the end of the sentences.
* means that question is not answered. Q1*Q2*Q3*Q4*Q5*Q6*Q7*Q8*
Q1.Has Louis turned off the air conditioner? (Yes) Q2.Have the students read books? (No) Q3.Has Janet bought a new bag? (Yes). Q4.Have we thrown away the exercise books? (No) Q5.Has Alex jumped into the swimming pool? (Yes) Q6.Have the cats drunk the milk? (No) Q7.Has Emily watered the flowers? (Yes) Q8.Has the bee died? (Yes).

回答 (3)

2011-02-04 8:48 am
1. Yes,Louis has turned off the air conditioner.
2. No,the students have not read books.
3. Yes,Janet has bought a new bag.
4. No,we have not thrown away the exercise books.
5. Yes,Alex has jumped into the swimming pool.
6. No,the cats have not drunk the milk.
7. Yes,Emily has watered the flowers.
8. Yes, the bee has died.

by Jeffrey

Android Market Search: CYTC
2011-02-02 7:37 pm
1.Yes,Louis has turned off the air conditioner.
2.No,the students haven't read books.
3.Yes,Janet has bought a new bag.
4.No,we haven't thrown away the exercise books.
5.Yes,Alex has jumped into the swimming pool.
6.No,the cats haven't drunk the milk.
7.Yes,Emily has watered the flowers.
8.Yes,the bee has died.
2011-02-02 7:30 pm
1. Yes,Louis has turned off the air conditioner.
2. No,the students have not read books.
3. Yes,Janet has bought a new bag.
4. No,we have not thrown away the exercise books.
5. Yes,Alex has jumped into the swimming pool.
6. No,the cats have not drunk the milk.
7. Yes,Emily has watered the flowers.
8. Yes, the bee has died.
參考: me

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