把sentences 轉為 Passive voice

2011-02-02 7:03 pm
(is,am,are+p.p from)

1. peel two mangoes and cut them into cubes.
2.whisk an egg and leave it for later use.
3.add a packet of mango jelly powder to 1 cup of boiling water.
4.stir the boiling water and jelly powder in a mixing bowl for 3 minutes.
5.add 1 cup of cold water to the dissoved powder.
6.add the beaten egg, a cup of milk and the mango cubes.
7.mix the beaten egg, milk and mango cubes well.
8.pour the mixture into small bowls.
9.put the bowls in the fridge for 3 hour.
10.take the bowls out of the fridge and serve.

look forward to help me

回答 (3)

2011-02-02 10:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
is,am,are+p.p from)

1. peel two mangoes and cut them into cubes.
Two mangoes are peeled and cut into cubes.

2.whisk an egg and leave it for later use.
An egg is whisked and left for later use.

3.add a packet of mango jelly powder to 1 cup of boiling water.
A packet of mango jelly powder is added into one cup of boiling water.

4.stir the boiling water and jelly powder in a mixing bowl for 3 minutes.
The boiling water and jelly powder are stirred in a mixing bowl for 3 minutes.

5.add 1 cup of cold water to the dissoved powder.
One cup of cold water is added into the dissolved powder.

6.add the beaten egg, a cup of milk and the mango cubes.
The beaten egg, a cup of mild and the mango cubes are added.

7.mix the beaten egg, milk and mango cubes well.
The beaten egg, milk and mango cubes are mixed well/

8.pour the mixture into small bowls.
The mixture is poured into small bowls.

9.put the bowls in the fridge for 3 hour.
The bowls are put in the fridge for 3 hours.

10.take the bowls out of the fridge and serve.
The bowls are taken out of the fridge and served.
2011-02-02 7:27 pm
1. Two mangoes are peeled and cut into cubes.

2. An egg is whisked and left for later use.

3. A packet of mango jelly powder is added to 1 cup of boiling water.

4. The boiling water and the jelly powder are stirred in a mixing bowl for
3 minutes.

5. 1 cup of cold water are added to the dissolved powder.

6. The beaten egg, a cup of milk and the mango cubes are added.

7. The mixture is poured into small bowls.

8. The bowls are put in the fridge for 3 hours.

9. The bowls are taken out of the fridge and served.

Hope you find it useful.
2011-02-02 7:17 pm
1. Two mangoes are peeled and are cut into cubes.
2. an egg is whisked and is left for later use.
3. a packet of mango jelly powder are added to 1 cup of boiling water.
4. The boiling water and jelly powder are stirred in a mixing bowl for 3 minutes.
5. 1 cup of cold water is added to the dissoved powder.
6. the beaten egg, a cup of milk and the mango cubes are added.
7. the beaten egg, milk and mango cubes are mixed well.
8. the mixture is poured into small bowls.
9. the bowls in the fridge are put for 3 hour.
10.the bowls out of the fridge are taken and are served.

by Jeffrey

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