Are the earth's poles currently switching?

2011-02-02 5:17 am
How is this going to affect our weather?

回答 (3)

2011-02-02 5:20 am
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Idk how it will affect the weather but I think that if the north and south poles move it will get hotter in some parts and colder in other parts of the world.
參考: Idk I just finished geography and learned bout climate change
2011-02-02 2:23 pm
The north and south poles are going nowhere, they stay where they are and always have done so. The magnetic poles move around the geographic poles and the north magnatic pole is slowly moving out of northern Canada and into northern Siberia.

Every few hundred thousand years, the magnetic poles reverse with the north magnetic pole becoming the south and vice versa. This process takes hundreds of years to complete and has no effect on the weather at all.

By the way, your use of the verb "affect" was quite correct despite what others might think.
2011-02-02 1:18 pm

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