Some problems with english pronunciation?

2011-02-02 3:29 am
I would like to know how to pronounce the following sounds:
1. 'th' after 's' (e.g. It's there.)
2. 's' after 'th' (e.g. months)
3. 't' after 'k' (e.g. asked)
I have always have difficulties in enunciating these sounds unless in slow speech. For example, when I am saying 'It is there', my tongue cannot move to the 'correct position' for the 'th' sound after the 's' sound. Are there any techniques for saying these sounds more easily?


回答 (4)

2011-02-02 3:43 am
What's your native language?

It may seem difficult at first, but you just pronunce them as they look. Usually if you speak a language rich with vowels, you may have some difficulties saying consonant clusters.

For "It's there," try pronouncing both words slowly and separately at first, and then saying them both together as a sentence. "Th" sound is sometimes difficult for people who don't speak English (or Icelandic, since they use "th" as well). It's made by placing your tongue on the back of your front teeth.
It takes some getting used to. If you need to, just pronounce the words slowly and clearly. You'll get the hang of it with more practice.

Other then that, I'm not sure what else advice to give you since these are sounds, and it's kind of hard to describe a sound in words.

Good luck (:
2011-02-02 3:42 am
Those are complicated to say!
I don't know if there are any tricks though, just getting used to it and practice.
I think you should consider the position your tongue is in when saying the "s" in it's there, then stick the tip of it between your teeth to make the "th" sound immediately afterward.
for Months, concentrate on the "th" and then let your tonge slide back in and hiss like a snake.
for "asked" a lot of uneducated people actually say "axe" "did you axe him" and I always want to say, "no, I think that sounds painful'

But for you to say "asked" don't linger on the K. Almost make it not there, kind of like saying "ast"
2011-02-02 3:41 am
for the 1st two examples i think i could help.. when you pronounce a "TH" the tip of your tongue should reach your frontal teeth like if you close your mouth you'd bite it =) for "asked" its kinda hard to describe the motion but i'd say try saying "askt" or something.. hope i helped =)
2011-02-02 3:33 am

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