
2011-02-02 5:27 am
我打d句子系度,可吾可以幫我譯番做正確文法 既英文~?





thankyou very much!!! ><

回答 (8)

2011-02-02 6:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Why can the disabled do what we can't?

2. We can learn from his perseverance.

3. The handicapped overcome more difficulties than normal people do.

4. Effort finally pays off. / Effort does not come to naught.

Hope you find it useful.
2011-02-07 6:31 am
1. why the disabled persons does achieve but the matter we actually cannot achieve?
2. from his body, we may study he firm and resolute unyielding spirit
3 disabled persons overcome the difficulty the difficulty which must overcome the normal person are certainly more than
4. will not waste diligently
參考: myself
2011-02-06 4:52 am
Why do people with disabilities do things which we can not?

from his body, we can learn from his perseverance

people with disabilities overcome some difficulties to overcome than the more normal

efforts are not wasted

2011-02-05 3:21 am
1. Why do people with disabilities do things which we can not?

2. from his body, we can learn from his perseverance

3 people with disabilities overcome some difficulties to overcome than the more normal

4. efforts are not wasted
2011-02-03 8:17 pm
1. Why do people with disabilities do things which we can not?

2. from his body, we can learn from his perseverance

3 people with disabilities overcome some difficulties to overcome than the more normal

4. efforts are not wasted
2011-02-03 1:16 am
1. Why do people with disabilities do things which we can not?

2. from his body, we can learn from his perseverance

3 people with disabilities overcome some difficulties to overcome than the more normal

4. efforts are not wasted
hope me can help you
2011-02-02 6:13 pm
1. Why do people with disabilities do things which we can not?

2. from his body, we can learn from his perseverance

3 people with disabilities overcome some difficulties to overcome than the more normal

4. efforts are not wasted聆聽以拼音方式閱讀 字典 - 檢視詳細字典
2011-02-02 6:09 pm



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