
2011-02-02 4:32 am
我e+用緊有線寬頻上網 佢一時上網超快 一時超慢 打機都係有時全日都唔斷線 有時就全日狂斷線 要打機真係要睇部上網器ge心情= = 除左轉上網公司 有冇其他方法令上網穩定d

回答 (1)

2011-02-02 3:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Key point: You have analog devices (landline telephone, fax machines etc) sending analog signals that's interfering with your digital broadband. As these interferences are intermittent, it gets confusing as they come and go without any sign or warnings.

Remedy: Go and purchase OnLIne ADSL 2 digital filter and install it next to your analog devices as instructed. This will allow your analog and digital signals to co-exist on the same telephone line without interference.

Remember: Don't use no name filters. They often have little working quality and hence will cover up the problem to create further confusion. Buy one with proper name brand and certified for filtering ADSL 2 signal. You can't go wrong. Last of all, check with your ISP server to identify the broadband signal type (ADSL 2 or else) and match it with the filter.

2011-02-02 08:19:08 補充:
P. S. You'll need one for each of your analog devices so count your needs before you buy.
參考: Personal ADSL 2 broadband experience

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