Australia working holiday ??

2011-02-02 12:38 am
Dear All

My working holiday visa was granted , however i am confusing about which place is my first destination in Aus .

In fact , I want to find the farm work , and i want to go Aus on April ~
1)Is it difficult to find a job during April ?

2)as we know , the inundation was happening in Aus , any effect ?

3)Actually , I want to go perth , is it suitable on April?

4)where should I go to find a farm work in different season ?

I am appreciate if you can give me some opinion ^^

回答 (2)

2011-02-02 3:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. You don't have to worry, Australia is a vast country where you can easily
find a part-job in particular the farming work that the labour force is often
in shortage during the harvest season.
2. April is Autumn season in Australia (South Hemisphere), some fruits
are ready for ripening.
3. Perth is in West Australia Province (西澳省), facing the Indian Ocean,
where there was no flooding and inundation so far during last December.
4. There are a large variety of fruits in Australia, some to be harvested in
summer season such as cherries, strawberries, mango, lychee,
pineapple etc. whereas some in Autumn like the grapes, apple and
orange etc. In other words, the farming work is all year-round.
5. There a lot of orchards in the vicinity of Perth. no difficulty in looking
for a part-time farming job as you're a WHV holder.

Good Luck

2011-02-05 4:48 pm


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