
2011-01-31 8:02 pm

將一個儲滿data及formula的excel file copy 一個新的excel出來,
只delete data,保留formula卻因而保留了原來大量的空列,



請不要建議開一新sheet然後copy data過去new sheet,因有很多formula,若這樣做會出現大量的#REF!

我用的是Window 2007版本


回答 (5)

2011-01-31 10:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
理論上用刪除列是可以刪掉多餘的列,為何你說不可行?? 不過,這樣一來,好多公式都有機會出現#REF!。如果你的檔案不涉及私隱或機密,不妨電郵給我,讓我試試看。


2011-02-01 08:15:55 補充:

2011-02-01 11:36:29 補充:
(另:有office 2007,windows 7,沒有windows 2007)
2011-02-05 11:35 pm
DELETE 完那些空列後,
2011-02-02 7:55 am
每次輸入data, 都load得很慢, 是公式問題, 公式運算中
工作表有大量的計算量很大的公式, 如陣列公式/sumproduct/vlookup
公式內的計算範圍很大, 如A1:A20000更是要命, 如定義名稱/格式條件/下拉清單內設定了大量公式, 更加慢上加慢
Excel 的計算能力及速度是有限的
2011-02-01 4:22 am
Key point : You can remove only contents in cells by deleting them but you actually can't reduce the total number of rows (1048576 in Excel 2007). However, you CAN hide them. Try this:

(a) For example, you only need 1000 rows. Now Click cell A1 (or any cell of your coice) as your starting point. Press F5 key for Go To window. In Reference box, type A1001 then click OK. Now hold Ctrl + Shift keys then press the down arrow once and release all keys. Cursor should be at 1048576 row. Right click any highlighted row header at left then click Hide in menu. Your sheet will now have only 1000 rows. As I am not quite sure if this is what you want but I think it's close. It will cut down your running time for sure.

N.B. You can jump to A1 or any cell by entering its reference in Go To window (F5 key) as above.

(b) Now what if you need some of those hidden rows back? You can add multiple rows by block highlighting some existing rows with the Shift key, now right click any one of these row headers in the block at left then click Insert. Remember this is a 1 for 1 situation. That means you have to reserve some extra rows for expansion when needed. If your worksheet needs only 1000 rows now, I'd hide all rows after 1050. This will give you a block of 50 rows as reserve later on. However, ignore this part if no expansion is necessary.

Good Luck.

2011-02-01 18:40:28 補充:
Since you only need 40 rows, I'd limit row numbers to 50. You'll have 10 rows on reserve if needed. This will speed up your running time tremendously. Be sure to let me know if this is what you want.
參考: My Excel know how
2011-01-31 9:27 pm
this cannot delete!!!

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