visual basic 兩問

2011-01-31 5:35 am
我呢家用緊visual basic express 2008 (自學中)...
想問下... 例如我有兩個windows form...
點樣可以用一個button由一個form link到去另一個form?

第二... 點樣可以匯出我寫完o既visual basic program?? (in format of *.exe)
因為我見匯出範本又唔係......... debug入面o個個就剩係for debug.....

如果方便同available o既話..... 請留msn... 因為我可以未來可能仲有好多vb o既o野問.... 萬分感謝!

回答 (1)

2011-01-31 10:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
let say your forms are form1 and form2 and the button is button1

1. in button1 you would say:

2.the exe file is located in: Documents >Visual Studio 2008>Projects>[projectName]>[projectName]>obj>Debug>[projectName].exe

PS: I am not an expert so do not expect me to answer every one of your questions correctly but i am willing to do my best to help you with your learning and hope you succeed

here is my msn:[email protected]

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