
2011-01-31 12:44 am
新手打debate, 缺經驗。我班好快會有英文辯論,辯題幾搞笑,叫We should try to prevent species from becoming extinct. 我做正方,唸落就真係企起道德高地~

各位人兄,幫手唸下反方會有咩論點? 我地又可以點打?請高人指點指點,等我地可以準備得好d。謝謝。

身為正方又可以以咩特別ge approach 去打? 可以俾人高d印象分?

prefer 英文回答,當然..中文亦可!

回答 (3)

2011-02-01 12:42 am

balance of the eco system - e.g. consequence of food chain/predator-prey imbalance, diversity promotes evolutionary development, economic impact for farming/fishing/plantation/agriculture/food processing/living, stewardship of being the supreme being on Earth, human activity distruption of the natural survial, etc.


natural selection-survival of the fittest(物競天擇-適者生存), natual balance, insufficient research to justify the real cause of extinction cases to prevent, etc.
2011-01-31 11:22 am
You are proposing the idea so its easier in this case, i think...

You can do some research on statistics. No. of animals are becoming extinct or have extinct. Then explain why its bad thing that the animals are becoming extinct. Leads to environmental issues because its their habitat, so if they have become extinct, what will happen? And you can talk about the animal food chain. The system will corrupt if certain species becomes extinct.

Just some basic ideas, hope it helps!
參考: my brain
2011-01-31 2:11 am



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