
2011-01-30 7:06 pm

The dog barked. There was a thief in the house.

回答 (8)

2011-01-30 9:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
because是因為 ,後面是原因
The dog barked becaues(因為)【 there was a thief in the house 】(原因).
John bought a ticket because(因為)【 he wanted to see a film】(原因).
2011-02-01 3:20 am
I like travelling by bus because i enjoy watching "Road Show".

I like eating apple because it is yummy.

It is because i forget to set my alarm clock.

2011-01-31 3:17 am
The dog barked because there was a thief in the house.

2011-01-30 19:18:21 補充:
John bought a ticket because he wanted to see a film.
2011-01-31 2:38 am

2011-01-30 8:14 pm
The dog barked because there was a thief in the house.

because:後面要加一句完整ge sentence


2011-01-30 12:15:04 補充:
John bought a ticket because He wanted to see a film
2011-01-30 7:26 pm
1)The dog barked . There was a thief in the house.
The dog barked because there was a thief in the house.

2)He want to see a film.John bought a ticket.
John bought a ticket because he want to see a film.
2011-01-30 7:21 pm
The dog barked because there was a thief in the house
He wanted to see a film beause John bought a tcket.
2011-01-30 7:09 pm
The dog barked because there was a thief in the house.

Hope you find it useful.

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