worried about 3yr old?

2011-01-28 3:44 pm
my son started pre school afew weeks ago he goes 2full days monday and wednesday and 3hours on a friday morning. well since then hes been acting different, he as been alot naughtier which seems to have settled we took that as a change to routine etc.

well last week or so hes been really quiet, crying alot more, really moody, so sleepy so we have been putting him to bed earlier he used to sleep at 7-30pm now its 6-30 or 7pm and hes still really sleepy. hes also off his food and not talking much.

i talked to the nursery and they say hes great playing well with other children and seems happy and iv asked him and he says he loves it. hes actually having a nap right now and hasnt had a sleep in the day since he just turned 2 a full year ago!

does this sound normal im getting worried?


just to add he has a 1year old brother who he is great with and in the last month as just found out hes getting a baby sister in june


in uk the pre school is something all 3year olds do before starting early years education at 4. so i wouldnt hold him back and skip it!

回答 (7)

2011-01-28 3:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
He is probably fine. He's adjusting to school and all the activity. It's not uncommon for a child to be completely exhausted after school! If the preschool/nursery teachers say that he's doing well there, he's probably just exhibiting "quiet child" symptoms at home because he's too tired and using all his energy at school. He's also just found out he's getting another baby in the house and that could have him a little bit thrown--he is young enough he doesn't quite remember getting a baby brother, but he knows that the baby brother takes a lot of attention. I think he'll be fine, he's just still adjusting to all the changes and excitement!

If for some reason things don't settle down or he seems like there is actually something wrong, talk to his pediatrician. But for right now it just sounds like he's in the adjustment period.
2011-01-28 11:53 pm
it could be all the change he's experiencing- going into daycare and having a little sister on the way.. He could be worrying that you're shipping him off to day care because you're having a new baby? I've seen it happen during my time working at a nursery. Try spending extra time with him, and talking to him about his new little sister, reassure him he'll still be as special and as loved, and get him involved in the arrival preparations, such as picking her out an outfit or a few toys.. And see if that has any change on his behaviour? I think it'd be a process of elimination, he could just be over tired from nursery but the news of a new sibling arriving, specially one of the opposite sex, often is the cause for a behaviour change. Good luck :)
2011-01-28 11:45 pm
He's just got more activity at the preschool than at home (all those kids etc....). He's just going to take awhile to adjust.
2011-01-28 11:51 pm
I think with the new schedule and being really active in school his body is just trying to adjust. It's kind of like jet lag but for toddlers that are in preschool. Give him time. Let him rest.
2011-01-28 11:46 pm
its perfectly normal. Don't worry.
2011-01-29 12:01 am
IT is normal...
2011-01-28 11:48 pm
I think maybe he feels like you want to get rid of him by sending him away for so long. Maybe skip the pre school. It's not necessary. Poor baby
參考: Mother of 8 Grandma to 1

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