GCE入U 一問

2011-01-29 3:39 am
1. Can I sit for UK GCE A-level exam in HK? Usually when will it be held?
2. Can I take GCE if I haven't take any UK exam before, like GCSE?
3. Can I apply for UK university by using my GCE results if I am only F5(let's say my GCE results is very good and meet all the other requirements of that university)
4. If I take GCE twice in the 2 years, can I apply for university using the results of the second time? (Will they consider the results of the 1st time?)
5. Can I apply for university in HK through non-jupas using the result of GCE?


回答 (1)

2011-01-29 10:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1. Can I sit for UK GCE A-level exam in HK? Usually when will it be held?
>> 可以, 你只要去考評局度apply, 咁佢就會send 信俾你, confirm 係邊度可以考, 因為要係指定既exam centre 度考既, 會係係學校入面舉行, 就好似hkcee 一樣

2. Can I take GCE if I haven't take any UK exam before, like GCSE?
>> 可以, 冇問題.
3. Can I apply for UK university by using my GCE results if I am only F5(let's say my GCE results is very good and meet all the other requirements of that university)
>> 佢地會睇你既hkcee 成績既, 就算gce 好好好好, 但係hkcee 考得唔好, 同埋冇考ielts 同埋personal statement寫得唔好, 得一個好好既成績(lets say 3A) 都係冇用, 呢個係好common 既, 因為好多hk 既考生, 佢地f.6 先黎英國考gce, 就算考到3個a, 因為hkce 考得唔好, 有一d 英國大學都係唔出offer 既.

4. If I take GCE twice in the 2 years, can I apply for university using the results of the second time? (Will they consider the results of the 1st time?)
>> 如果你係有retake 過gce 既話, 係certificate 度, 會見到的, 而ucas 果邊, 亦都會知道, 所以對application 方面, 係會有一d 影響既.

5. Can I apply for university in HK through non-jupas using the result of GCE?
>> 可以, 但如果你同時考hkale 同gce, 只可以係jupas 同non-jupas 之間揀一個黎apply 既. 但hk 既大學亦都會要求睇你既ce 成績既.

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]

2011-01-29 12:14:58 補充:
1) I am a DSE student, so I won't be able to take CE, can I still apply for u in UK using only GCE results when I am like F5 or F6?

>> 可以, 冇問題, 但最好考埋igcse, 因為多一樣野俾大學睇, 因為你apply大學時, 佢地唔會睇你校內成績, 同埋, gce a2係7/8月先有result, offer 係1~3月就出, 所以, 如果只有gce, 佢地只會base on 你既AS 成績而出offer, 佢地得一個成績睇, 俾offer 你既機會亦低.

2011-01-29 12:15:19 補充:
And I heard that there all different modules for each subject. Can I sit for all the modules at the same time?

>> 未必得, 因為有一d modules, 只係一月先有得考

2011-01-29 23:29:51 補充:
when should I take GCSE? And usually when should I start applying for university? F5 summer holiday? And what is the precedure?

>>你而家form 幾我都唔係好知+-+, gcse 要比gce 早考, depends 你想幾時入大學, 如果係想f.6 之後入, 就f.6 既果個12月開始apply, 如果想f.5 之後入, 就f.5 果個12月. 你可以搵agent 幫你apply, 亦可以自己APPLY UCAS

2011-01-30 19:16:33 補充:
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]

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