invite our suppliers ??

2011-01-28 8:17 am
Check the verbs in these sentences. Explain what's wrong with them
and make corrections.

Could she making a reservation for six for lunch?
Corrections: Will she make a reservation for six for lunch?

We can be give the best service to our VIP guests.
Corrections: We can be giving the best service to our VIP guest.

Would I invite our suppliers out to lunch after the meeting?
為什麼不可用 would ...

頭一, 二句改得對嗎 ?
第三句為什麼不可用 would ..只可用 ...Should / Could / May

回答 (3)

2011-01-28 2:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Will she make a lunch reservation for six people?
Should she make a lunch reservation for six people?

We can give the best service to our VIP guest.

It is more common to say:
We can provide the best service to our VIP guest.

Should I invite our suppliers for lunch after the meeting?

“Should” can be used instead of “would” when the subject is “I” or “we”. Should also means it is a good thing to do or something that is right or desirable.

“Would” can be used as a more polite form of will in requests or offer when it does not have a past meaning.

Would you invite our suppliers for lunch after the meeting?
Would you like some cake?
2011-01-28 6:12 pm

2011-01-28 3:12 pm
can she make a reservation for six people for lunch or
will she make a reservation for six people for lunch
因為係can / could之後所以5用making

We can give the best service to our VIP guests. 咁講應該無錯 你用多左個be
correction都啱 只係唔知點解要用現在進行式

跟之前個答覆一樣 用provide會比較合適 雖然意思有點不同

用would 的話會變成自己問自己 但我唔覺有其他錯
Also 你應該說
Should I invite our suppliers out for lunch after the meeting or
Should I invite our suppliers out to have lunch after the meeting
參考: myselfffff

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