what should i do now?

2011-01-28 1:12 am
I'm not a bad student messing around, but i'm just kind of lazy. i used to cut classes in the past, therefore i got only 25 credits throughout my entire high school 3 years. i'm a junior now and i'm 17 years old.

but lately i realize i can't be idle any more, i decided to study harder conscientiously. what should i do in order to graduate? i really wanted to go to college . i can't waste my time still failing constantly.. any advice?

回答 (2)

2011-01-28 1:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
What do you want to do with your life? Community college is another option for you after high school. Keep in touch with your teachers, keep a daily planner, study for tests, that kind of boring stuff that ends up being rewarding :)
2011-01-28 9:16 am
Stay off Yahoo Answers and other time wasting sites.

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