protect environment!

2011-01-28 5:19 am
What should people do to protect our environment?

英文作文100字!十萬火急 提出一些意見? 例如如何保護環境?

回答 (2)

2011-01-28 6:20 pm

2011-01-28 4:40 pm
As a result of constant pollutions on Earth, It is now getting to the bottom line. Everyone around is talking about global warming, but for real, who actually do something about it?

You can always tell that people nearby are going out with the light at home on. During the summer, air-conditioner is a very common electric equipment that is running in people's house. When I look at all the light and electric device being used, I can't help but to think of the carbon dioxide coming out from burning.

Beside air pollution, many things is wrecking our land. Take water pollution as an example. Split oil and chemicals are poured into the sea from time to time. Creatures in the water are harmed by it badly, and human beings, which also rely on water to live, should started to stop living in the same way.

We should apply laws to limit people's usage of products that require trees, electricity, and water. Trees are an important element in forests. Cutting down trees can damage the habitats of animals, as well as all kinds of unseen changes in the environment.

In areas, amount and brightness of light should be limited. Over lighting is not necessary. Light is one of the most used electric device in the world.
One more light on in different places, sum up plenty of electricity.

Overall, people have been wasting resources of the Earth. We should never use anything more than our need. Taking bus, sleep with no light, no computer on, such things can be easily done.
參考: myselffff. I can tell it is not good, but it is possible that you can get ideas from it.

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