
2011-01-27 7:54 am
我想問.......有咩電腦程式可以一打file上去,就可以搵到個file?? 同埋先前要入囇所有file上去...... THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!

回答 (2)

2011-01-27 7:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Before we start, make sure the file exists in your system.
Use the Search function in your Windows systemClick Start, click Search. Click All files and folders.In top dialog box, type in your target filename.Unless you have a few files with similar names, leave the second box blank. Otherwise, type in an unique key word that only belongs to the target file to narrow down the search. Windows will look into all hard drives connected to your PC. If the file is in USB or external drive, don't forget to plug them in. Click Search to start.When finished, Search will list all files with a part or whole of the filename you entered above. Select the correct one and proceed with usual Windows' file management operations. Have fun.
參考: My WINDOWS know how
2011-01-27 9:41 am
請問個程式用黎做乜?如果只系file穩首歌,可以 ctrl +f ,跟住打歌名就會幫你穩到

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