
2011-01-26 11:51 pm
我間公司每個月有大量數要用支票找, 但我入黎做a/c時 個dept. head都無將每張支票影印存底, 之後佢亂左職無做, 另一個新入職的就話要每張支票影印keep record。 請問是否香港會計制度規定一定要每張支出支票有影印本??

因為我地而家做法係o係每張invoice上面mark低chq no., then 有software record晒出過o既chq pay to who, chq no and amount. 之後就只係拎住對方張invoice直接入myob, 無影印chq for reference。

回答 (2)

2011-01-27 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
是否香港會計制度規定一定要每張支出支票有影印本?? No such requirement.

Generally speaking, no need to make a photocopy of each cheque as the cheque is usually crossed and chopped with the wordings of "account payee only". In case there is a dispute, then it is a matter of asking the bank for a copy of the cheque for further actions should this is a serious issue.
2011-01-26 11:53 pm

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