18歲後 身分證 護照加英文名

2011-01-26 11:04 pm
18歲後 身分證 護照加英文名 , 我會保留我中文譯音 只係加個英文名係譯音前面
但係岩岩先過左18歲後 去左外國讀書先發現冇英文名好唔方便


回答 (2)

2011-01-29 11:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You should submit at the same time your applications for including the new English name in both your HKID card and your HKSAR passport. Please click this link: http://www.immd.gov.hk/ehtml/hkid.htm#application or phone their Enquiry for more details.

About your student visa, you should check with the Consulate General for appropriate application procedures.

2011-01-26 11:55 pm

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