Is it correct to write "drugs-taking friends"? Can we add an "s" after the word "drug" in the noun phrase "d?

2011-01-25 4:14 pm
Is it correct to write "drugs-taking friends"? Can we add an "s" after the word "drug" in the noun phrase "drug-taking friends"?

回答 (4)

2011-01-25 4:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
One S after friend is enough. No S is needed after drug.
2011-01-26 12:25 am
2011-01-26 5:33 am
No you should just say " drug taking friends"
2011-01-26 12:21 am
why not,if they are, and your ''friends''.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 13:33:00
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