
2011-01-26 2:20 am
I want to know how to press that in the calculator: My calculator is a 工程式 calculator.I have already selected the sd mode...Q: (2,4,6,8,10), find the mean by pressing the calculator. How to key that in to get the mean??Also, how to get the standard deviation by using the calculator??*I know how to type out the symbol "mean" and "∮" standard deviation in the calculator.

either by sentences or diagrams....etc

回答 (2)

2011-01-26 6:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You may attempt using the following keying sequences and see if they work out properly:


1) Press 2 M + 4 M + 6 M + 8 M + 10 M + to input all 5 data.

2) Press SHIFT 2 1 EXE and the Mean is printed out.

3) Press SHIFT 2 2 EXE and the S.D. is printed out.


Hope I can help you.

2011-02-02 21:45:52 補充:
EXE refers to "Execute".
參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2011-01-27 1:30 am
What is EXE???

i know how to get SHIFT 2 X, what is EXE???

Also, after i press the 2M+, then, n appears, what does it mean???

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