
2011-01-25 9:28 am
中文名叫"心瑤",想改英文名前音"Sam",後音"yo". eg.Samyo,Sanyo,Sandyo,Sayo,但唔知拼出嚟個音點讀,有沒有更加好的提議或意見呢?

回答 (4)

2011-01-25 11:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
sorry but maybe the names you suggested is not really english names....
maybe you can find some ideas in this website. There are a lot of names from different countries including Chinese and Japanese or Latin, together with the meaning and origin of the names.
2011-01-25 11:33 am
Smyo 音點讀呢?有沒有懂日文的網友解答到Samyo,Sanyo,Sandyo,Sayo,Sumyo的讀音呢?Thanks!
2011-01-25 10:34 am
"心瑤" 是一個很美麗的名字。我可以想像她是多麼美麗啊!
"心瑤" 普通話發音是 "Xinyao" 。你或許考慮以此為她的英文名字吧。
"瑤" 英文的意思是 "Jade" or "Mother of Pearl",那麼她的英文名字也可是 "Jade" or "Pearl"。

恭喜! 恭喜!

2011-01-25 9:58 am

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