check grammar

2011-01-25 2:24 am

Another reason you should come in on severaltypes of activities is you can learn different tpes of skills that cannot befound in textbooks. You may asked to present some projects and at the same timefind some down-lines helping for you. Very Often , you have to in-charge forthe project , which could build up leadership and responsiveness as these itemsare usually challenging and meaningful . If I were you , I’d choose to be avoluntary in social services . I also suggest you should take up a low-paytutor post which can polish your communication skills and help the juniorstudents at the same time. This will be a good experience to you, I hope.I understand that is difficult for you to participatelots of activities and talk with strangers as you are shy and small. But youhave a need to do so. As the marks would be counted for your academic reportcard , you have to try your best to join more activities . You should get agood grade for your ECAs . But it’ll be unkind of you if you do not have a goodresult on academic report card. Your parents will also be verydisappointed  But it’s you who will becomedisappointed if you do something make you feel shy and strange . In my own, foryour bright and light future , you must do it , whether you do not like . I wasthe same as you a few years ago, I did not want to keep contact with myclassmates as they were rude and unwilling to talk with me . But for my future ,I started to talk with them. Finally, we built a truthful and faithfulfriendship . And I learnt a lot during participating different activities . Asyou see , it is not so bad.I believe that particaipating more ECAs is theright choice for you as a whole . I hope my advice would be helpful to you. Iam always here t help . just let me know if you have any problems . enjoy yourschool life!Best wishes,Chris

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2011-01-25 6:15 pm
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