
2011-01-25 1:13 am
想問如過想2011年9月出去讀year 9////大慨幾時要報名...現在報會太遲嗎....同埋我想問邊間學校好...我英文 中下level左右....讀倒講倒....其他課就一般....

回答 (3)

2011-01-25 9:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) 想問如過想2011年9月出去讀year 9////大慨幾時要報名

>> 而家呢, 有一d 好top既學校可能唔係好apply 到, 因為好多時都係一年前apply 既, 有d 仲要2年前就要apply. 如果真係想去英國讀書, 你可以搵agent 幫你睇下仲有冇位, 亦可能睇下有冇升學既展覽, 因為佢地有一d 係即場收生既...

2) 現在報會太遲嗎

>> 唔會既, at least, 仲會有學校收人, 但就要快攪, 因為過完easter, 就會開始出waitlist, 想入都未必入到.

3) 同埋我想問邊間學校好...我英文 中下level左右....讀倒講倒....其他課就一般....

>> 個人覺得, 你可以先去british council 睇下佢有d咩學校啦, 之後可以上google search "gcse ranking", 咁就會有得睇邊一d 學校係好既, 但係因為ranking 年年都轉, 所以, 最好搵agent 幫手 (ranking 好多時係睇下有冇chinese, 如果有好多chinese, 好多時都會整高個ranking), 因為agent 佢地做開呢一d 申請, 只要你俾你既成績表俾佢地睇, 咁佢地就會知道邊一d 係啱你架啦:)

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp =]
2011-01-25 9:39 am
1. 想問如過想2011年9月出去讀year 9////大慨幾時要報名...
2. 現在報會太遲嗎
3. 同埋我想問邊間學校好
參考: 我都係英國讀緊中三
2011-01-25 2:10 am
Hi where in UK you want to go? and you are now a F.5 or F.4 student? want to stay in boarding school or home stay? this is all the information we need to know, otherwise its hard to give you suggestion or even try to help you to apply for the college.

You reply my email with your information with email, i will send all the information to you straightly, cheers

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