
2011-01-24 3:18 am


郭晶晶是否因為要嫁入名門望族相夫教子,所以悲喜下退役ˇ︿ˇ ?


视频-周继红证实郭晶晶递交退役申请 无缘伦敦奥运

回答 (3)

2011-01-24 8:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2011-01-25 10:53 pm
We may elaborate her retirement from different perspectives:

1) She is now 29 years old and her life of athlete has actually come to the end as they would usually retire on or before 30. This is due to their physical limitation and the injuries that they would usually encounter. Even she has an intention to participate in London Olympic 2012, I do not believe her physical condition and her states can enable her to guarantee winning a Gold Medal.

2) 29 years old is also another stage of the human. They have been in the field for over 20 years time, participating in the public competitions for over 15 years time, and the psychological pressure / burden from herself, her coach, her team, her unit, her supporters, her country, ..... are much higher than what we can predict. It is harmful to her psychological and physical health if she keeps on taking part. She should release herself from it and take a rest, which is an ultimate relaxation from the mass scale championships.

3) At her age most athletes may opt as the coach, as the businessmen, return university for study, etc. I am sure she has well planned for her future. Currently she is an university student and the first priority for her is a Bachelor Degree. Her marriage would be the second priority in my opinion, and whether she would be Mrs. Fook then it is another story. They have never admitted publicly they are the lovers and they are close in marriage. And sincerely, I do not concern her marriage. She is popular due to her outstanding performance in the field, not because of her loving story.

Hope I can answer the question and analyze properly.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2011-01-24 4:04 am
做咩要退出 - -
參考: 自己

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