
2011-01-24 2:25 am
Nothing but the Truth (By George Kershaw)依本書內容大約講咩 中文><

回答 (2)

2011-02-03 2:21 am
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The story is set in an international school in Bangkok , Thailand . Hu Jian ming, a seventeen years old Chinese girl is study in this school due to her father is an engineer for a Chinese oil company and manages their Bangkok office.Hu, is being blackmailed by her English teacher, Mr Stanyer, who says she cannot be entered for the International Baccalaureate unless her English grades improve.She dares not tell her parents whose ambition is for her to be a doctor. So Hu agrees to pay Mr Stanyer for the private lessons although she doesn't believe the marks suit for her test. Because of her family is not very rich, Hu uses her savings and sells a ring given by her aunt as the payment.At the new term begins, Hu makes friends with a new American student ,John, whose mother is the head of the school.Aferward,during a trip to Nation Park .Hu learns from one of her friends that Mr Stanyer has ever blackmailed other girls too. http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/20576538.html?fr=qrl&cid=192&pt=yxdowncn&index=5Back to school, Hu’s parents eventually discover the extra lessons. A meeting is held with the headmaster and the Hus. No one believes Hu.John's mother,who has investigated into Mr Stanyer's background,finds he has no degree and lied about his qualification.And some other evidence supports that he has been marking students down in order to get them pay for extra lessons. Hu clarifies the fact at last.Although the plot is simple but it tells us a principle: If we are in trouble and cannot solve the problems by ourselves, do not hide it, telling the whole truth, nothing but the truth.
2016-12-13 8:15 pm
Nothing But The Truth George Kershaw

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:47:24
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