Translate it into Chinese ?

2011-01-21 3:47 pm
Can anyone translate this article into Chinese please ?

The summer holidays can drag on if you don’t fill them with activities, and it can be difficult thinking of newways to entertain the children over such a long period of time. This is why holiday camps are an ideal way of keeping the kids happy and giving you some free time to enjoy the fine weather. We’ve chosen some of our favourite camps from across the country, but call a lifestyle manager to discuss finding the best camp to match your location and your child’s interests.

These camps can give your children the summer holiday of their lives, whatever their interests. From dance camps to archery, from watersports to just having fun with new friends, our lifestyle mangers are here to research your best options.

Just a word of caution – these camps will start to fill up quickly so contact us now to discuss getting the best choices.”

回答 (2)

2011-01-21 7:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
漫長的暑假, 若不安排豐富活動, 如何消磨? 要為閒著的孩子每天找新玩意, 是否使你身心俱疲?

若要孩子的假期過得精彩, 而你也可以在艷陽下享受一點偷閒時光, 假日夏令營便是你的最佳選擇 ! 本公司搜羅全國多個優質夏令營, 並由休閒業專才助你挑選, 務求為你提供地點便利, 孩子喜愛的選擇.

無論你的孩子喜愛甚麼活動, 夏令營的暑假, 必是難忘的暑假. 我們的專才會全力協助你搜尋最適合的主題夏令營, 如舞蹈營 / 箭藝營 / 水上運動營等應有盡有, 對於只想認識新朋友 / 快快樂樂過暑假的孩子, 都有適合他們的選擇.

報名者眾, 名額有限, 請馬上聯繫洽商!
2011-01-21 7:03 pm


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