exchange rate RMByuan?

2011-01-21 7:00 am
In the year 1997 the exchange rate was RmbY106 to HK$100 and in the year 2011 the exchange rate is.... Y83 .

Rmb has already appreciated by 24%.Hong Kong people are feeling the growing pinch. Yet Americans are still shouting,screaming,crying and even bleating for the appreciation of the Rmb.Can somebody tell what figure they will be satisfied with respect to say Obama,Bush and Clinton or Mundell?

Edwards January 21,2011

回答 (2)

2011-01-21 8:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
The folks in Washington, DC have never mentioned an exact exchange that would satisfy them. The US Congress spends a lot of time rattling its saber, and has said that the RMB exchange rate should be 40% higher, and that would bring the USD/RMB exchange rate to less than 5:1. I think that 6.5:1 would keep the politicos quiet.
2011-01-24 6:27 pm
xpatinas said" 6.5:1 would keep the politicos quiet".Now the rate is 6.583..:1 .quite near to the desired value.should be OK .right xpatinas!
參考: " 6.5:1 would keep the politicos quiet" .Today's exchange rate (us$ to rmb) is 6.583..

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