What is the weather like in Vegas right now?

2011-01-21 2:52 am
Is it warm enough to wear sandals?
Is it warm enough to go without a sweater or jacket
in the daytime?

Thanks Writer. I heard they had snow there the other day so I was wondering cuz I didn't know it gets that cold there.

回答 (4)

2011-01-21 3:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
We are cooling down. I wore sandals today and a light sweater, but you need a sweater when sun goes down
2011-01-21 12:05 pm
the weather is nice its getting cold though..might warm up though..Bring shoes and sandals if its warm wear the sandals same goes with the sweater..depending on the weather you have you the choice on what to wear hope this helps! :D
參考: my brain and eyes
2011-01-21 11:12 am

This should help, cheers!
2011-01-21 10:55 am
high 60's
low 70's
參考: weather.com

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