about netherland please

2011-01-21 7:24 am
some things about netherland homework

回答 (4)

2011-01-21 3:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案

You can get information from this site.
2011-01-21 7:02 pm


2011-01-21 11:33 am
Godfrey: Stop challenging people, if you're not an expert in English.

"s" is missing in your spelling of Netherlands. (It has something wrong with this sentence.)

is missing???? (Non-cont. verb in present cont. tense???)

I think you'd better revise your sentence.

2011-01-21 10:51:06 補充:
Godfrey: if my accusation doesn't help and so do your opinion. You don't have to apologize to anyone, if you think you didn't mean to.
2011-01-21 9:47 am
What is "something"? Please be specific.
"s" is missing in your spelling of Netherlands.
You can browse the following website:


2011-01-21 10:09:53 補充:
To Fox:

I have no intention to challenge you in your spelling. If you have that feeling, I sincerely apologize. I think Yahoo Knowledge platform is a place to share knowledge and help one another. Some people misunderstand me and I can't help it.

2011-01-21 10:23:33 補充:
To 意見者:Ahhhh...

I am not an expert in English. I don't see your accusation can help 發問者:Fox. At least I learn not to swear as you did in other place.

2011-01-28 07:21:41 補充:
To 意見者:Ahhhh...

You mess up the tense.

"s" is missing. This sentence is not present continuous tense. "missing" is used as an adjective.

The book is interesting.
" interesting" is used in a similar way as "missing".

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