
2011-01-21 2:21 am
Peter Parker喺一次課外活動中意外俾一隻受過放射性感染嘅蜘蛛咬傷後,獲得具有蜘蛛一般嘅特殊能力,改變咗 Peter Parker嘅一生。佢決定成為蜘蛛俠嘅關鍵,就係叔叔 (Uncle Ben)俾人殺咗之後,Peter 認為係佢嘅錯,因此選擇成為蜘蛛俠來拯救更多嘅人。

回答 (3)

2011-01-21 2:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
After Peter Parker was bitten by a highly radioactive infection spider at an extra-curricular activities, he had a super vision such as a spider, and it has changed Peter Parker's life. The reason of why he wanted to be spider man, is his Uncle Ben was killed and Peter thought that it was his wrong so he wanted to be spider man to save more people.
參考: 自己
2011-01-21 7:08 pm


2011-01-21 2:45 am
a sprider beat peter parker in a accident then peter parker can be super.this accident change the life of peter parker.he become super man after this accident.After someone killed his uncle .Peter know he was wrong,sohe help a lot of people later on

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